Important Business...
Today in the forums we saw that while Steorn is (im)possibly going to save the world from our energy crisis, they also may amuse the world with their forum shenanigans. Crank, who has administrator rights in the forums, banned Sean, who then turned around and banned SeamusF and Crank. Later Sean put the blame solely on Seamus and unbanned Crank. All of this, and the two accounts that I applied for are still both banned. What a strange place this forum is.
Speaking of Crank, I figured I would post some of the pictures that she has up on her Flickr Account. A while back Sean discussed having a large test setup in a stairwell:
Crank was able to photograph the setup. So at least they don't seem to just make stuff up. Also, here is a screenshot of some video that Steorn allowed Crank to screen capture:The little black thing in the middle is the special configuration of magnets in resin which Steorn claims produces free energy. This toy looks overly complicated, and even Steorn has said in the past that there are much simpler ways to use the technology than this.
Why build it in the stairwell? Did Sean explain this?
At the time, it was the only safe place to put the large test rig. They were worried it would fly apart and cause damage. Steorn mentioned on the forums that they now have a safe testing area for the faster RPM experiments.
So they have claimed to have actually tested a rig that generates high RPM. I thought Sean only indicated that it was possible…did crank see it running?
My assumption is that this is only a test rig, and they are measuring the interactions of magnets at high speeds. The rig is powered by the electric motor shown in the pictures... No over unity that I'm aware of.
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